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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hello, Blaze Pinkeye

Hey, so there's absolutely nothing to post about today.

Other than the fact that doing side quests all the way back in KT is SUPER boring. Oh look I got 5xp. The good thing though is that it will help me get to lvl 50 and get Power Nova.

In other news, I have the infamous, Pink Eye.

Yup, today I'm not Blaze Silverfist, I'm Blaze Pinkeye. My eye is SO itchy and red. I hate it.

The doctor gave me some drops to put in it 4 times a day. Yeah, 4 times. That's a lot. I can barely count that high.

I put up the Celestia artwork picture. I'll make new posts as Friendly gets it filled in. Enjoy.

Anyway, have a great day err night at this point.

Happy Gaming


Alyssa griffinrider said...

Hi blaze EE. xD
Hope you feel better though. ;( poor blaze ee. :( ;( ok well thats it ok :( fell better :D

1Mudkip88 said...

Thanks Alyssa, my eye is a lot less red today. It's almost back to normal.

Happy Gaming
