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Monday, August 2, 2010

Master Merchant #1

Hey everyone, I know, I'm two days late on this one. I'm actually on vacation and won't be getting back until the 10th. Then, once I have acces to a real computer, I'll go and fix up these posts with images. So here we go, Master Merchant #1!

Greetings young wizards,
Most of you just know me as Elik, so I'm sure very few of you realized that I am Blaze's father. Recently Blaze asked me if I'd like a column of sorts on his blog, I of course said yes. I'm so proud of him for being able to share his experiences with all of you.

Now, lets get to the good stuff, shall we?

My very first Monthly Housing Item would have to be the Wild Brush. It's a very rare occasion that I get my hands on some of these, so be sure to pick up a few if you see them here. Now, I'm not sure which boss drops these items, but Blaze is definitely going to be looking into that for me. (He is going to add a few pictures to this once we get back from our vacation.)

My Master Merchant Tip for this month is that if your looking to buy a piece of clothing (hat, robe, or boots), but just can't seem to afford it, try changing the colors from what you want to all brown. Brown is my cheapest color (mainly because not many people wear it) so this will significantly lower the price of the item. You can always dye it later. Miss Whisperwood, over at the Dye Shop is always happy to help us out.

I hope you've all enjoyed this first segment of Master Merchant, as I look forward to making more.

~Elik Silverfist
Master Merchant

Happy Gaming


Anonymous said...

Those are some great tips Elik. Ive noticed that white and gold are cheap too... Anyway,have a good time on vacation blazii. ill cya on the 10th when you get back.

Victoria Spiritblossom said...

Have good vacation!

Anonymous said...

Blazi...when you get back, i NEED to talk to you.......

Sither said...

Is Elik really your father blaze O: GASP