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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Back to Wizard101 and The Phantom Zone!

Hey guys, I finally downloaded Wizard101 onto my new computer! I'm finally coming back into the Spiral!

So as I'm downloading all the files onto my computer I see this:

You're going to have to click and make it bigger to see it, but in the top left corner where you can see the file download process it said: "ThePhantomZoneWorld - World Data" Now, for those of you that don't pay attention to the names of the files that quickly flash by as we load up W101, there is a file for everything in Wizard101; the different gear, objects, areas, etc. So, if I'm correct in studying these file names for the year+ that I've been on W101, this means that there is a "Phantom Zone" somewhere in one of the worlds (World Data is where the areas show up.) I haven't played through all of Celestia yet. I wouldn't even say I'm halfway yet, so this might be a legit area, but I haven't heard it anywhere before. So, if any of you have any ideas of what "The Phantom Zone" might be, just let me know in the comments.

Before I go get into Wizard101, let me just remind you about my contest here. To enter just post your name and a way for me to contact you (W101Central username, e-mail, blog, etc.) in the comments. Thanks

Happy Gaming


Unknown said...

The Phantom Zone is supposed to be a backup file if I am correct, there isn't an area I'm aware of, although the id that area in Mooshu in the spirit world.

Liam said...

but there is only 1 world data per world, dies that mean the phantom zone is a hidden world?

Kyle Legendflame said...

man i should srsly check your blog more often i didn't even know you were getting a new computer btw blaze I'm lvl fifthty one same lvl as you XD and i got to that lvl while i was still in dragonspyre x:
hope to you see you online again

1Mudkip88 said...

Yeah, Kyle, you probably should. Congrats on making grand! I can't wait to do quests alongside you. It'll be great. Hope to see you soon, too!


kyle legendflame said...

when do you think yiu will be on?

kyle legendflame said...

oops i meant you lol i'm using my playstation 3 when i published these comments i'm still not use to it