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Thursday, October 7, 2010

AwesomeSauce Type #2: Ketchup

Disclaimer: Music Belongs To Selena Gomez

Oh my gosh, it feels so good to get back to blogging. I REALLY hated being off. I just felt like it wasn't something I wanted to do. But, now that I'm back in the post editor, it feels right again. :)

So, let's ketchup err catch up. ;D

New Celestia Reveal. (13)

You'll have to click on it to see it, but there is a little turtle next to our little Angler Fish Prince. So now it looks like there will be 5 more reveals left (provided that no more shadows are added. [which there probably will be because Morganthe hasn't been spotted here yet.]) I predict that next to the Prince there will be a young seahorse, next to Barnacle Bill there will be another Crab similar to the one next to our Marleybone Mechanics. In the center will 99.99% be Thurston Plunkett as he was mentioned in our pre-quest. Next to our robot, will most likely be another (maybe female) (It's not a bucket-head type thing. Zoom in and you can see that's just a cylindrical object in the background. The head shape is nearly the same as the first robot.)
And on the far left? Probably another Sea Pirate type NPC.

Alright, next piece of business. I was in yet another car crash. Before you get all crazy, it was just a small one. My mom had just picked me up from school and we were about to take a left onto our street, when another car was about to drive past from the other lane, so we had to stop and wait a second for it to pass. During this time, the car behind us slams into the back of our car. Guess who? Two seniors from the high school (we live very close to the high school.) Turns out the kid hadn't had his license long enough to have a passenger in the car with him, so he got a ticket for that, and another ticket for following us too closely. (You have to have your license for a certain amount of time before you're allowed to have passengers in your car.) The front of his car was smashed in a bit on one corner and a large plastic piece that went over the bumper came off. The back of our car's bumper was chipped pretty badly and the paint was scratched on both cars. The bumper of our car goes around from the back of both tires so it's going to cost at least $2500 my mom guesses. (She's actually going tonight to get an estimate from the car dealer.) We were both fine, it was just frightening to hear the big THUD noise again.

Next, our Monthly polls.

I was very happy to see that there was a significant amount more of voters. :D

Here's August's:

Is Blaze posting enough?

and September's:

What are you most excited for in Celestia?

Here's Drumroll Troll with the results. Take it away, bud!

x drumroll x

Thank you. :)

Here we go.

Is Blaze Posting Enough?
  • Of course, stupid poll! He was just in a car crash and he's in high school now! Give him a break! - 66% (8 votes)
  • He's doing fine - 25% (3 votes)
  • I honestly don't care - 8% (1 vote)
  • No way! We need a post every day! - 0% (No votes)
Well, it;s great to know that you don't care how often I post, just that I make posts because you love them. :)

Next poll.

What are you most excited for in Celestia?

  • More Insider Info From Blaze - 76% (10 votes)
  • New Spells - 69% (9 votes)
  • New Story - 61% (8 votes)
  • New Areas - 53% (7 votes)
  • New Teachers - 46% (6 votes)
  • New Enemies / Bosses - 46% - (6 votes)
That's awesome! I love how you like my stuff the most! XD

It's just amazing that from a few votes a month it's gone up to 56 votes on just one poll! It really makes me happy to see how many people like my blog.

This month's poll:

Would you like to star in a Wizard101 music video by Blaze?

  • Of course! Blaze is awesome!
  • Maybe.
  • No thanks...
Yeah, that's right. As some of you know, I got a hypercam. This means that I can film whatever is on my computer screen. Which brings me to my next topic. My walkthrough of the Selena Gomez Questline.

I don't have video of me doing the entire quest due to technical issues (my computer froze and had to be shut off, and I lost the video in progress. So here is where I started when my computer came back on.)

(Sorry about the title, idk why "To Be Continued" is on top of it.) I apologize for the lag, my computer isn't used to having a camera and W101 running yet. ;D

And here is the second part of my quest.

So, I plan on making a Wizard101 music video. It'd be quite a large project like the Photoshoots that the community has had in the past (Petnome etc.) I would love to have a ton of my viewers in it so maybe we can have a contest. (After the poll of course.)

Again, next topic.

Monthly Housing Items. Instead of having a picture every month, I figured, why not show you all in a video. So, along with my dad's monthly posts (that he will re-start on Saturday) I will post a video of the item in my house. I hope that helps you out and you will enjoy it.

Next! I have a picture sitting in my folders from a while ago (June 6th to be exact) if any of you recall, that was one of the hottest days of the Summer. On that day, KingsIsle released this picture on it's Twitter page. I was meaning to show it to you, but somehow it slipped my mind. Here it is.

The KingsIsle staff decided instead of staying inside, to go tubing along with their friends from the Spiral. YOu can see a Mander, a Gobbler, and even a Skeletal Pirate! (Arhhar-shabawa!)

Last, but certainly not least. We now have our good friend, Bruce

err, Mr. Shark Mount, available in the game. Just like every other mount, he's available for sale in the Crowns Shop. I'm not sure if you can rent him from Zeke or if you can only use him in water. I don't have one, and haven't really researched it much, yet. Just thought I'd let you all know about this, (I know many of you were very excited about this one ;D)

I believe that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed this very very long post. I'm going to try to post more often, now that I'm more used to the new schedule of the school year. Thank you.

Happy Gaming

1 comment:

Victoria Spiritblossom said...

I has a shark mount! They can be used anywhere, except inside of course. It's just like the other mounts, except awesomer.

Glad to see you still like blogging!