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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Quantum Con-tinued and some Hardcore Parkour

Hey guys, I hope your're all enjoying my first Quantum Conundrum video. I recorded it all in one play session, so there won't be any video length differences or anything that you may have requested. I have decided to make my videos typically 22 minutes long. I think that's a good medium that won't be too short or too long and boring. I will try and make the occasional hour long video though if you guys want it, or if I'm doing something special. Anyway, enjoy part two in all of it's HD glory. :)

I get to meet this little guy! 

Yesterday, I also did a Minecraft parkour map with my friends, Brendan (Nasku501), and Noah (Dontshoot). It's called Rumble In The Jungle. I hope you all like that as well. The video is a bit long (around 45 minutes) so you might have to watch it in sessions if it's too long for you to sit through at once. I hope that's alright with you guys.

Let me know how I'm doing with all this, and have a great night.

Happy Gaming

EDIT 7/14: The Minecraft video still hasn't finished processing. I'll make a new post with it, and link to it here, once it is view-able. Sorry about the wait. Thanks for understanding!

Happy Gaming

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