But, despite my not feeling well, today is going to be a very special day.
Emily Griffinrider was probably my second friend on Wizard101. She's always been there for me when I needed support from a friend, whether it's been a bad day, or me starting this blog. :D
So, today we're going to celebrate my very best friend.
Here's a picture of the two of us:
This was taken during February this year. (You can tell because we're wearing red and white)
Emily's rocking the Bandit Clothes that I gifted her. Me, I'm just wearing my hat, (I've been wearing it since lvl 5, nope no stitching on it) The Cowl of Comparison, yup, I wore that up until I hit good ol' lvl 45. (Then I switched to the clothes I picked out for myself when I was little n00b Blaze), and the robes and shes that I wore in Mooshu.
But anyway, today we're celebrating all the moments that me and Emily have shared together.
For example, well, there's just so many, I can't think of one in particular. Oh! How about the time when we were making the carpet stairs in my house? I had just had my Desert Villa (I saved up for a house since I started the game, and bought the villa when I finally had enough for the house I wanted) for only a short time, when I was surfing YouTube for cool Wizard101 tricks and found this one:
UGH! I can't find it!
Oh well, if I ever find it, I'll simply edit this post and put it up here.
Well, I'm sure you've seen videos on how to make stairs out of carpets and crates. My friend Devin has an ice house filled with it. (I have pics of it over on my FB page, except they're labeled as my friend Ian's house, long story XD) So anyway, I started making some stairs to get up to the Krokosphinx like in the video. Of course, I was pretty short on gold after making such a big investment on buying a house. So, needless to say, Emily gave me all her spare treasure cards almost every time she saw me, in order to help me afford to make the stairs. We celebrated when we finally got up to the Krokosphinx. Turns out it was also my birthday when it happened. What a coincidence.
Here's a pic:
Well that's just great, I can't find the screenshot that I KNOW I took. Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of screens that you can have in the Wizard101 folder, and if you take another it will save over one of them? If that's possible, that's what happened.
x sigh x
Ok, so this whole post isn't really working out so well.
Tomorrow I'm going to be posting a tutorial on how to post a comment, because last night, Emily was having some trouble figuring out how. I already started it (it's saved as a draft post right now.) so I'll finish it and post it tomorrow.
Happy Emily Day!
Happy Gaming
HAPPY EMILY DAY! :D!!!!! thanx blazi i feel so special, i remeberwhn we took that pic, and when webuilt the stairs together :)... luv u :) :D P.S. i hope you feel better :)
From: Your friend Emily Griffinrider
Wow happy emily day? pretty weird but I'll go with it XD yup i remember that moment to when you two were standing together good moment. Well thats really it I'll keep visiting the site forever ( I have it bookmarked on my computer) lol yea so cya later> emilys sister,
Alyssa Griffinrider :D
Thanks so much guys.
Emily, you ARE special remember?
You are special, your the only one, your the only one like you. There isn't another in the whole wide world who can do the things you do. Cause, you are special, special, everyone is special, special, everyone in his or her own way!
I'll talk to you guys later.
Love you,
xD nice little poem blaze lol very uh ryhme ee xD hope you site prospers o how ever you would say it. Or uh maybe grows and gets better and better. well uh keep up the good work.
Love, lissy griffinrider
P.S that is my REAL nick name xD
XD Alyssa, that's the song from Barney! I sing err rather say that to Emily when she is sad. :)
Glad to hear that you like my blog though. :D
alyssa thats the song blazi sings to me :), and yes, yes it is awesome :D...hey blazi remember that pic we took together yesterday? r u goin 2 post it :D?
from: special emily :)(in blaze's words :P)
anyway xD i luv u sooooo much ur my best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best best ( this goes on forever :P) buddy ever! <3 luv u 4eva
Hiiiiiiiiii Blaze!!!!!
- xMJFx (dakota)
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